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Designing your header and menu

Your publication’s header is where you can include your logo, publication name, and menu.

Your publication header will be displayed across all your published pages. You can easily customize its style and the elements that it includes.

To edit your header, click on Design and then choose Header and header foldout.

A screenshot of a web page with the settings highlighted


Editing your header's style

Use the Container tab on the right side panel to alter the header's appearance: this includes changing its background color (fill), text color, and adding a stroke or shadow.

A screenshot of a web page with a number of options


Choosing menu type

Use the Content tab on the right side panel to choose what type of menu to display.

Hamburger menu adds a hamburger icon to your header. When this icon is clicked on, it opens a dropdown menu that lists all your publication's pages.

Regular menu adds all your chapter names to the header. Hovering over a chapter name reveals the names of all the pages included in the chapter.

A screenshot of a web page with the heading menu highlighted


Adding elements to your header

Click on the plus sign at the top right of the header to Insert new column.

A diagram of a web page with a blue box

For each new column, you will have the option to select the type of content you want to include in it: Publication logo, Publication title, Text, Link or Button.

A screenshot of a web page with a button highlighted

Linking your logo

By default, if you add a logo, it will link to your home page.

If you have two or more published issues, you can choose to make the logo link to the issue home page or to the publication home page (or archive). To select one of these options, hover over your logo and click on the pencil icon. On the right side panel, select Publication Home Page or Issue Home Page.

A screenshot of a page heading to a page heading to a page heading to


Editing the dropdown menu

Scroll down below the header edit section to edit the dropdown menu.

On the left, choose the Articles option if you want to automatically generate a list of all your pages.

A screenshot of the article section of a website

Hover over your menu and click on the pencil icon. On the right side panel, turn on Accordion Menu to display only your chapter names. Article names will be displayed when the user clicks on each chapter name.

A screenshot of a menu with the heading menu highlighted

On the left, choose the Custom option if you want to create a custom menu. You can add the number of links you need and edit each link's title and URL.

A screen shot of a web page with a link link

To edit your dropdown section's appearance, go to the Container tab on the right side panel.

A screenshot of a computer screen showing the settings for a text editor


A blue button with the word update on it

Important: After you finish editing your header, click on the Update button so that the changes apply to your published pages.


Designing a different header for your archive page

If you have two or more published issues, a main publication home page, or archive, will be automatically created. You can design the header for this main home page by going to Design > Header archive.

A screen shot of a web page with the settings highlighted