This block is commonly used on cover pages but can enhance any article by spotlighting related content.
Adding the Featured Article Block
To add this block, go to the Add menu and find it under Navigation. You can place it on a cover page or within any article.
After adding the block, a prompt will appear, asking you to select the article(s) you'd like to feature.
Click directly on the block or the blue text to open the settings panel.
Selecting Articles
Click the +Add button to open a menu of selectable articles.
You can choose articles in Draft, Ready, or Published status. Only articles with published status will be visible in your live publication.
After selecting the article(s) you want to feature, click Save. The selected article(s) will appear in your chosen layout on the page.
Adding Multiple Articles in a Single Block
When you add multiple articles to a single Featured Article Block, the block will act as a slider. Readers can swipe or scroll through the block to view each featured article.
Adding Multiple Featured Article Blocks to an Article
You can add several Featured Article Blocks to an article, each with a unique layout or selection of articles. This is a great way to create a distinctive and visually engaging publication. Add Featured Article Blocks above or below your initial one to do this.
Selecting Layouts for Your Featured Articles
For each Featured Article Block, you can choose from various available layouts to display your featured content.
Default Layout
The default layout is the standard option with limited customization features. In this layout, you can choose to display or hide some aspects of the content as needed.
Design layouts in the Design Studio
Additional layout options can be fully customized in the Design Studio. Here, you can redesign and rename layouts to suit your publication's style. Changes made in the Design Studio will apply to all instances of the layout wherever it's used in your content. To modify these layouts, open Design Studio and select the layout you want to update.
Height & Overflow Settings
These settings apply only when multiple featured articles are added within a single block, causing the block to function as a slider. The Height and Overflow options control the slider's appearance and behavior.
Auto Height
When Auto Height is turned on, the slider will adapt to the height of each article or "slide" displayed. The default setting is off, which keeps the slider at a consistent height, providing a smoother scrolling experience in most cases.
Overflow Visible
By default, only the current article is fully displayed, and articles in adjacent slides are hidden. Turning Overflow Visible will reveal portions of the next and previous slides, which will appear with a faded effect.
Wordpond Help Center
Everything you need to know to get started and publish your content.
Setting up your Wordpond publication
How to publish your first article
A quick overview of the Wordpond editor so you can start publishing immediately.
Inviting team members
Now that your publication is running, it's time to invite your team members to your workspace.
Intro to the Wordpond editor
Wordpond has a powerful visual editor with layout and formatting options that will feel instantly familiar.
Organize your content (with issues and chapters)
Change the order of your articles
Wordpond supports manual and chronological ordering of articles.
Creating and managing chapters
Featured Articles & Collections
Adding a Table of Contents to your cover, chapter covers, or even a single article is typical in magazine- or journal-style publications.
Preview Your Article
You can preview your articles on Wordpond to see what they look like outside the article editor.
Design settings & system
Customize the look & feel of your publications to match your brand and personal preferences.
Color management: Adding a color palette and how to use it
Colors are one of the pillars of defining a magazine's identity and visual appeal. They set the tone, evoke emotions, and create a cohesive look throughout the publication.
An overview of images and how to use, including display and sizing options.
Creating a footer
Your publication’s footer is where you can include contact and social media information, along with links to your main site or archive
Adding and styling navigational arrows for your articles
One feature that enormously increases that unique 'magazine' feeling is adding next-page and previous-page arrows on your page.
Adding Social Media Icons
There are a couple of simple steps to manage the social sharing buttons on your content.
You can add a custom favicon to your publication.
Upload and add a PDF (or file) for download
Wordpond lets you add PDFs (or any file) to your content. Here is how you do it.
Add and configure custom domains
SEO in Wordpond
When you publish your content on Wordpond, we take care of the essential factors of technical SEO so that you can focus on your content and your audiences.
Disable search indexing
Prevent search engines from indexing your publications, issues, articles - everything on your publication subdomain.
Add Cookie Notices to your publication
You can use the built-in cookie management tool or add your own cookie consent tool.
Manage content security policies
Enable and manage custom content security policies on your publication.
Managing your workspace and team(s)
Learn how to can invite and manage team members and assign roles through the Team Management page.